Whatever the question,
community is the answer
Margaret Wheatley

Gemeenschapsgericht leiderschap - community led leadership: Strathcarron Hospice Schotland

“People die twice, first socially, then clinically. We must do more about the first.”
‘Wat kunnen buurtcommunities wat wij als hospice niet kunnen? Hoe kunnen wij bijdragen aan communities waar mensen zich thuis voelen, een zinvol leven kunnen leiden en waar vriendschappen kunnen ontstaan?’
Het Strathcarron Hospice in Denny/Schotland realiseerde zich dat zo’n 80% van dat wat belangrijk is voor mensen in hun laatste levensfase in buurtcommunities beschikbaar is. Reden voor hen om werk te maken van community development op basis van ABCD (Asset Based Community Development). Ze worden daarin begeleid door Cormac Russell, directeur van Nurture Development.

“People die twice, first socially, then clinically. We must do more about the first.”

‘What can neighbourhood communities do that we as a hospice cannot? How can we contribute to communities where people feel at home, can lead a meaningful life and where close bonds and friendships are made?’
The Strathcarron Hospice in Denny/Scotland realized that about 80% of what is important for people in their final stages of life is available in neighbourhood communities. Reason for them to work on community development, based on ABCD (Asset Based Community Development). They are guided in their journey by Cormac Russell, director of Nurture Development.

In this interview with Susan High, Community Development Coordinator of the Strathcarron Hospice, you can read how the hospice is making the switch to community-led working and what this means for the employees and their working practice. 

This article is the last in my Community-Based Leadership serie. In September I will bundle all 12 stories in a publication in Dutch. Later this year I will work on an online publication in English. If you are interested in this bundle, please send me a message.